A lot has happened since my last post on here, so I'll give you all a brief update of the last year and a half. The spring and summer of 2012 were filled to the max with long days working on the farm getting barns constructed and projects finished before Handsome and I moved to Kansas in August. It was a lot of work with little to no play/vacation time. However we did add a member to our family in late May.
Her name is Moxie Anne, she is an English Springer Spaniel, and we love her dearly as do most that meet her. She is a sweet, exuberant (most of the time) dog, and she keeps us very entertained with all of her antics. Handsome started back at K-State in August to finish up his degree in Agriculture Technology Management. Since the summer was so hectic and we were planning on only being in Kansas for the duration of the school year, we decided to move in with my parents who live just 45 min away from campus. It was a wonderful blessing to get to live with them for the school year. The time seemed to fly by. God was very good in providing for us, so that I didn't have to find a job. My main "job" during this time was to stay at home and cook and clean. I did a few odd jobs here and there, but nothing long term. It was wonderful to be available for my parents, who are college students as well, and for Handsome when they got home and for random emergencies. :) Then in May as planned we packed up and moved back to the farm. The difference from before is that this time we moved to the farm itself and are living in a camper. Our plan was to be here for the summer and part of fall, so again it didn't make sense to find a more permanent place for only a few months. Just for the record, living the life of a gypsy can be quite confusing at times. :) This summer has been quite interesting and different than we had planned. Originally we were going to be remodeling the office for the farm, but other more pressing issues came up and it seems the "To Do" list is never ending. Also while on vacation in Canada with Handsome's family I broke and dislocated my ankle.
It was near the beginning of our time, so it kind of put a damper on the vacation and shortened it quite a bit. The Canadians were quite helpful, however I am definitely not looking forward to having socialized healthcare in the U.S. Upon returning from vacation I went in for surgery and they put a plate and 8 screws in my ankle. I spent about a month recuperating in Mountain Lake while Handsome went back to the farm to continue working on projects. I'm walking on my foot again due to the wonders of a healing body and excellent surgeons. I get the feeling though that I would lose a race with a tortoise at this point and time. God created out bodies though to heal and I have no doubt that in no time I will be giving that tortoise a run? or rather walk for his money. :) We're getting ready to move again, in fact the end of this week. Handsome starts a new job next Monday with Easy Automation Systems out of Welcome, MN and I start a new job with KBQ in Mountain Lake. Definitely looking forward to being closer to family and all of the new opportunities and responsibilities. As seems to be our pattern, we don't have a place to live in yet, so the camper is moving with us. If you ever wonder what its like to be a gypsy, just ask me and I'll be happy to give you the pros and cons of it. Anyways there is the last year and a half. Sorry it got a little long winded.
As a side note Knocking on Heaven's Door is a favorite comic of mine and this one the other day really spoke to me and reminded me of how often I discredit the AWESOME things my God has done and is doing. I have an AWESOME God who is greater than any hero that we can dream up...just saying. :)
Have an AWESOME Week!
Love to you all,
The Adventurous Farm Wife