Friday, November 18, 2011

The Day

Hello All,
Well today was "the day", the grand slam, the icing on the cake, the cat's meow...and the sayings continue.  However to explain, today was the day that the first "bit" of concrete was poured for the Gestation Barn!  Woohoo!!!  *Do a little happy dance!*  Everything went smoothly.  (Heehee, pun.)  : )  They started pouring at 8:00am and were finished a little before 4:00pm.  Around 57 trucks delivered 570 yards of concrete.  Wow!  There's definitely no going back now, that is unless we want to change and build a very large roller skating rink.  Hmmm...not a bad idea really, however the smell from the hog barns next door might be a deterrent for business.  Well I guess we're stuck building a Gestation Barn then.

Through this entire process it has been amazing to see the hand of God at work.  Where once there was a swamp, now there is a very large concrete pad.  Now some might not consider that much of a feat, but that depends entirely upon your point of view.  Isn't that how God starts any project though?  When He begins work on a sinner the world doesn't see much, but in God's perspective He sees His child as they will be.  The world only sees the transition slowly over time, but He always sees the end result.  As Handsome and I begin this project you may only see a concrete pad, but we see a Barn!  Watch out for those concrete pads in your life, one day you may run into a barn.  : )
The Adventurous Farm Wife

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