Saturday, April 14, 2012

Perfect Timing

Dear All,

Good Morning!!!  It is a beautiful morning here in Minnesota and spring is definitely in the air...finally!  For a Kansas girl spring does not come to Minnesota as quickly as it comes to Kansas, which can be slightly depressing, but then again I do enjoy winter.  :-)  Anyways, lately I have really been reminded a lot by the Holy Spirit of God's Perfect and Amazing Timing.  I've been reading through the story of Moses the last couple of days and looking at it with logical thought and reasoning one could conclude the God's timing really stunk.  I mean why did God harden pharaoh's heart so that time after time pharaoh wouldn't let the Israelite people go, even though it would have been to his benefit?  Why suffer through all of those plagues?  However, God saw pharaoh's heart and knew that pharaoh wouldn't be convinced of God's sovereignty until it hit his home and family.  God wanted pharaoh to know that it was God and not pharaoh who decided timing.

I continually see God's Timing in Handsome and I's life as we construct these two barns.  This last week went so well that only God could have planned it.  The concrete crew for the farrowing barn arrived first thing Tuesday morning to set up forms for a pour on Thursday.  The weather Tuesday and Wednesday was perfect for forming, but was less than ideal for pouring.  They were ready to pour Thursday and the weather was perfect for pouring, absolutely gorgeous!  MPCA showed up on Thursday just in time to do their review of the farrowing barn pad and do a final look over the Breeding barn before we shut it up and prepare it for piggies to arrive next week!  Friday we had rainy weather all day, perfect for concrete curing!  Now mind you, everything with these projects hasn't gone perfectly the way that we wanted it to, but I have an idea it was perfectly how God wanted it to go.  Just like the Israelite people, Handsome and I, may not always understand why things go the way they do, but I think when we look back over it we'll see His Mighty Hand guiding us the entire way.  The important thing is to trust Him right now.

My God is Amazing and I hope you'll join me in praising Him for the great things He has done.  Have a wonderful weekend!

The Adventurous Farm Wife

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