Good Evening!
I discovered something about myself today, I discovered that I really really like JoAnn's. For those of you who aren't familiar with this wonderful place it is a fabric and craft store similar to Hobby Lobby or Ben Franklin Craft. I view it as a sort of Santa's Workshop. The ladies that work there have a sparkle in their eyes that just makes you want to smile. Then there are all the crafts that surround you as you walk in the door. There are items for baking wonderful treats, then there's the jewelry section, painting section, scrap-booking, stamping, oh and did I mention the wall of fabric? Just thinking about it makes me excited to go back. The only downside is that it all costs money. Humph.... Its still fun to look though. : ) The creative genius in me loves to come out the moment I step in a store like that, and I don't even have to buy anything. I also think that's why I love watching North Pole themed movies. (Did I mention that I get distracted easily...squirrel!) They spark within me creativity and ignite my imagination. Don't get me wrong though, they aren't the center of my universe, Christ is. However they do trigger something within the mind that God made, to think outside of the box and create things that are unique and special. What triggers your imagination? What do you suppose triggers God's imagination, after all we are created in His Image, so He has to have an imagination. : ) Take some time to enjoy the imagination that God gave you, it's special. I think I might go back to my Santa's Workshop...tomorrow.
The Adventurous Farm Wife
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Thanksgiving Aftershock
Good Morning!
We had quite the week last week. Handsome and I's House was bubbling with laughter, and conversation, the occasional cat napper was snoozing in the corner, books covered the coffee table, and shoes filled the area near the back door. I enjoyed every minute that we had with friends and family! The only downside was the realization Saturday night as I was about to fall asleep that I had several things on my to do list that didn't get done and should have been done. Poor Handsome, he had to listen to me for the next ten minutes go on and on about the things that I forgot to do. Its a very good thing that he loves me. : ) Its also a very good thing that we don't have a God like me. Its reassuring to know that when God gets "busy" He doesn't have moments afterward when He goes, "Shoot, I forgot to answer that prayer request. Oh, and the angels mentioned there was an issue with flooding in that area....oops." Thank You Lord for being aware of our every move and for not forgetting the little things! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and the harshness of reality setting back in hasn't thrown you too off kilter. Oh and Happy 1st day of December! (Wow!)
We had quite the week last week. Handsome and I's House was bubbling with laughter, and conversation, the occasional cat napper was snoozing in the corner, books covered the coffee table, and shoes filled the area near the back door. I enjoyed every minute that we had with friends and family! The only downside was the realization Saturday night as I was about to fall asleep that I had several things on my to do list that didn't get done and should have been done. Poor Handsome, he had to listen to me for the next ten minutes go on and on about the things that I forgot to do. Its a very good thing that he loves me. : ) Its also a very good thing that we don't have a God like me. Its reassuring to know that when God gets "busy" He doesn't have moments afterward when He goes, "Shoot, I forgot to answer that prayer request. Oh, and the angels mentioned there was an issue with flooding in that area....oops." Thank You Lord for being aware of our every move and for not forgetting the little things! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and the harshness of reality setting back in hasn't thrown you too off kilter. Oh and Happy 1st day of December! (Wow!)
Love to you all,
The Adventurous Farm Wife
Friday, November 18, 2011
The Day
Hello All,
Well today was "the day", the grand slam, the icing on the cake, the cat's meow...and the sayings continue. However to explain, today was the day that the first "bit" of concrete was poured for the Gestation Barn! Woohoo!!! *Do a little happy dance!* Everything went smoothly. (Heehee, pun.) : ) They started pouring at 8:00am and were finished a little before 4:00pm. Around 57 trucks delivered 570 yards of concrete. Wow! There's definitely no going back now, that is unless we want to change and build a very large roller skating rink. Hmmm...not a bad idea really, however the smell from the hog barns next door might be a deterrent for business. Well I guess we're stuck building a Gestation Barn then.
Through this entire process it has been amazing to see the hand of God at work. Where once there was a swamp, now there is a very large concrete pad. Now some might not consider that much of a feat, but that depends entirely upon your point of view. Isn't that how God starts any project though? When He begins work on a sinner the world doesn't see much, but in God's perspective He sees His child as they will be. The world only sees the transition slowly over time, but He always sees the end result. As Handsome and I begin this project you may only see a concrete pad, but we see a Barn! Watch out for those concrete pads in your life, one day you may run into a barn. : )
Well today was "the day", the grand slam, the icing on the cake, the cat's meow...and the sayings continue. However to explain, today was the day that the first "bit" of concrete was poured for the Gestation Barn! Woohoo!!! *Do a little happy dance!* Everything went smoothly. (Heehee, pun.) : ) They started pouring at 8:00am and were finished a little before 4:00pm. Around 57 trucks delivered 570 yards of concrete. Wow! There's definitely no going back now, that is unless we want to change and build a very large roller skating rink. Hmmm...not a bad idea really, however the smell from the hog barns next door might be a deterrent for business. Well I guess we're stuck building a Gestation Barn then.
Through this entire process it has been amazing to see the hand of God at work. Where once there was a swamp, now there is a very large concrete pad. Now some might not consider that much of a feat, but that depends entirely upon your point of view. Isn't that how God starts any project though? When He begins work on a sinner the world doesn't see much, but in God's perspective He sees His child as they will be. The world only sees the transition slowly over time, but He always sees the end result. As Handsome and I begin this project you may only see a concrete pad, but we see a Barn! Watch out for those concrete pads in your life, one day you may run into a barn. : )
The Adventurous Farm Wife
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Proverbs 31
Good Morning All!
Yesterday Handsome gave me the most wonderful thing, he gave me a day to clean the house!!! I absolutely love and enjoy cleaning. I never feel more accomplished than when the floors have been vacuumed and mopped, the sinks sparkling, the kitchen spotless, and the living room without clutter. is good! : ) I haven't always been this way and I think my mother, God bless her, was really holding her breath for awhile hoping that I would grow out of that stage, I did. I think when I was about 13 or 14 I read Proverbs 31:10-31 for the first time. I remember just being in awe of this woman that God describes and in my heart decided that was who I wanted be. Thank you Lord, that I had parents that encouraged this and helped me when I was anything but that woman.
Every time I read through it I become even more energized to be that wife for my husband, because more than anything I want to hear when I get to heaven, "Many daughters have done nobly, but you excel them all." I want my Lord to see a woman that both fears Him and loves Him enough to give of all of her abilities every day not just the days she feels like it. If you haven't read through this portion of scripture lately, I encourage you to do so. It is one of the places in scripture that God really lays out what He wants to see in the beautiful women He has created.
Yesterday Handsome gave me the most wonderful thing, he gave me a day to clean the house!!! I absolutely love and enjoy cleaning. I never feel more accomplished than when the floors have been vacuumed and mopped, the sinks sparkling, the kitchen spotless, and the living room without clutter. is good! : ) I haven't always been this way and I think my mother, God bless her, was really holding her breath for awhile hoping that I would grow out of that stage, I did. I think when I was about 13 or 14 I read Proverbs 31:10-31 for the first time. I remember just being in awe of this woman that God describes and in my heart decided that was who I wanted be. Thank you Lord, that I had parents that encouraged this and helped me when I was anything but that woman.
Every time I read through it I become even more energized to be that wife for my husband, because more than anything I want to hear when I get to heaven, "Many daughters have done nobly, but you excel them all." I want my Lord to see a woman that both fears Him and loves Him enough to give of all of her abilities every day not just the days she feels like it. If you haven't read through this portion of scripture lately, I encourage you to do so. It is one of the places in scripture that God really lays out what He wants to see in the beautiful women He has created.
![]() |
Beautiful Women that fear the Lord! |
Warning: This is not for the faint of heart, but choosing to follow the Lord isn't either. Choose wisely this day who you will be.
Love ya,
The Adventurous Farm Wife
Monday, November 7, 2011
Dear Friends and Family!
I am so excited! Less than two weeks from today friends and family are going to start arriving at Handsome and I's home!!! I have been looking forward to this since May. All summer long I've been preparing for it by canning and freezing yummy goodness, and now Handsome and I are preparing our house making sure that it is ready for lots of people. A side note: Online Auctions are great!!! We have found that Minnesota seems to have an abundance of them. You can find all sorts of things fairly close by and get really good deals. We managed to get this leather sectional for $135. The only downside to this buy is that it came from the house of a long haired cat. This meant me cleaning for half a day so that Handsome doesn't immediately tear up and start sneezing upon entering the house. It should be noted I have an extreme dislike for cats! They are filthy, vile animals and if you disagree try cleaning up cat urine then you might have an understanding for my dislike.
I am so excited! Less than two weeks from today friends and family are going to start arriving at Handsome and I's home!!! I have been looking forward to this since May. All summer long I've been preparing for it by canning and freezing yummy goodness, and now Handsome and I are preparing our house making sure that it is ready for lots of people. A side note: Online Auctions are great!!! We have found that Minnesota seems to have an abundance of them. You can find all sorts of things fairly close by and get really good deals. We managed to get this leather sectional for $135. The only downside to this buy is that it came from the house of a long haired cat. This meant me cleaning for half a day so that Handsome doesn't immediately tear up and start sneezing upon entering the house. It should be noted I have an extreme dislike for cats! They are filthy, vile animals and if you disagree try cleaning up cat urine then you might have an understanding for my dislike.
Room for People to Sit...Check |
However in spite of my frustrations with one of God's creation I am having a ton of fun getting ready for guests!!! I can't help but see the resemblance to what our Heavenly Father is doing for us and He's been preparing for a lot longer than me. Just like me He can't wait to see His loved ones and He longs to spend time in fellowship face-to-face with us. He wants to create a place where we can just relax and enjoy being with Him. How cool is that?!? God is so great in showing me in every day events and happenings His joy's and His love! I can't help but get excited for the day in which I get to see the place He is creating for you and I! Until then I'm going to be smiling as I prepare for my guests!!! : )
The Adventurous Farm Wife
P.S. Today Handsome and I have been married for 6 months!!! I'm so blessed to have found such a wonderful husband!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
It's November!!!!
Hello All,
It's November!!!! *Doing a little dance* I love November! It is the greatest month in my humble opinion!
Number 1: It's this beautiful lady's birthday today!
She's amazing, I love her, and feel so blessed to have her in my life! Happy Birthday Mom D!
Number 2: The lady in the midst of her loved ones also has a birthday in November.
She is missed a lot, but it is a great reminder that we were not created to stay on earth forever. I look forward to seeing her again someday.
Number 3: Thanksgiving!!!!! Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, it ranks right up there with Easter and Christmas. This year I'm especially excited because a bunch of our friends from Kansas are coming up along with my parents and SISTER to our house! *Jumping up and down* It is going to be so much fun!!!! Can't wait to see them all!
Number 4: Okay fine, its also my birthday! This year it is going to be 11-11-11, how cool is that?!? I'm not the only one that thinks it is cool, there was a whole book written about it.
See?!? I told you so! : ) It also happens to be Veteran's Day! God Bless America and our troops! I'm so thankful for all our troops do to keep us safe!
I hope you all enjoy the beginning of November at least half as much as I do!
It's November!!!! *Doing a little dance* I love November! It is the greatest month in my humble opinion!
Number 1: It's this beautiful lady's birthday today!
She's amazing, I love her, and feel so blessed to have her in my life! Happy Birthday Mom D!
Number 2: The lady in the midst of her loved ones also has a birthday in November.
She is missed a lot, but it is a great reminder that we were not created to stay on earth forever. I look forward to seeing her again someday.
Number 3: Thanksgiving!!!!! Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, it ranks right up there with Easter and Christmas. This year I'm especially excited because a bunch of our friends from Kansas are coming up along with my parents and SISTER to our house! *Jumping up and down* It is going to be so much fun!!!! Can't wait to see them all!
Number 4: Okay fine, its also my birthday! This year it is going to be 11-11-11, how cool is that?!? I'm not the only one that thinks it is cool, there was a whole book written about it.
See?!? I told you so! : ) It also happens to be Veteran's Day! God Bless America and our troops! I'm so thankful for all our troops do to keep us safe!
I hope you all enjoy the beginning of November at least half as much as I do!
Love ya,
The Adventurous Farm Wife
Monday, October 31, 2011
Quest for Discernment
Dear Friends and Family,
Growing up as a child that was easily frightened and didn't like the feeling of fear, I have hated and dreaded Halloween. Now I understand that many of you might have differing feelings of the holiday, but I have difficulties understanding those feelings. (God is working on me in this area.) Throughout college I was challenged on many fronts. One was that God did not call us to hate an entire thing, but to hate evil and love good both of which exist in the holiday of Halloween. Another was seeing people I cared about putting on "costumes" and going out to parties with the intent of getting a thrill "scared." This frustrated me greatly because God doesn't want us to live in fear of anything and fear is not something that originates from God but from Satan. These challenges lead me to the point of figuring out what to do with the holiday that is beloved by many. One, to celebrate it with everyone else. Two, to ignore the holiday completely or three, to figure out a way to share Christ's Love. Most of me wants to go with number two, crawl in a hole and pretend like nothing is happening, but I don't feel like that is exactly what God wants me to do. He called me to be in the world and not of the world. To be in the world doesn't mean that I have to celebrate a holiday that I feel is against my beliefs, but it also doesn't mean that I get to stick my head in the sand, as much as I want to. I haven't quite decided what to do this evening, because Handsome and I are challenged with the dilemma of living in town and having trick or treaters. I've talked to several people about this dilemma, and some have suggested handing out tracks, but I really don't feel God leading me to that. So we'll see if God leads anyone to knock on our door this evening, I'm sure He'll give me the words to say. Have a blessed day All! May you let your lights shine on a day that can sometimes become very dark!
Growing up as a child that was easily frightened and didn't like the feeling of fear, I have hated and dreaded Halloween. Now I understand that many of you might have differing feelings of the holiday, but I have difficulties understanding those feelings. (God is working on me in this area.) Throughout college I was challenged on many fronts. One was that God did not call us to hate an entire thing, but to hate evil and love good both of which exist in the holiday of Halloween. Another was seeing people I cared about putting on "costumes" and going out to parties with the intent of getting a thrill "scared." This frustrated me greatly because God doesn't want us to live in fear of anything and fear is not something that originates from God but from Satan. These challenges lead me to the point of figuring out what to do with the holiday that is beloved by many. One, to celebrate it with everyone else. Two, to ignore the holiday completely or three, to figure out a way to share Christ's Love. Most of me wants to go with number two, crawl in a hole and pretend like nothing is happening, but I don't feel like that is exactly what God wants me to do. He called me to be in the world and not of the world. To be in the world doesn't mean that I have to celebrate a holiday that I feel is against my beliefs, but it also doesn't mean that I get to stick my head in the sand, as much as I want to. I haven't quite decided what to do this evening, because Handsome and I are challenged with the dilemma of living in town and having trick or treaters. I've talked to several people about this dilemma, and some have suggested handing out tracks, but I really don't feel God leading me to that. So we'll see if God leads anyone to knock on our door this evening, I'm sure He'll give me the words to say. Have a blessed day All! May you let your lights shine on a day that can sometimes become very dark!
The Adventurous Farm Wife
I think I may have to make some of this this evening! It's the best! :) |
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
God's Little Blessings
Dear Family & Friends,
Yesterday I was reminded again of how much God loves us and His involvement in our lives. I was informed by the Pregnancy Testing Center that I volunteered for that a mother and her 6 month old came in wanting to talk to me. I had talked to her last year about her options and when she left I felt sure that she would have an abortion. Praise the Lord there is a 6 month old here today. We have an AWESOME God and I feel so blessed to know that He chose to use me that day. God's "Little" Blessing of a child is not only a blessing to that mom, but also to me. Too often it is easy to put God in this far off realm and forget that He stands right beside us. So let this be a reminder to all of us today, He cares.
Yesterday I was reminded again of how much God loves us and His involvement in our lives. I was informed by the Pregnancy Testing Center that I volunteered for that a mother and her 6 month old came in wanting to talk to me. I had talked to her last year about her options and when she left I felt sure that she would have an abortion. Praise the Lord there is a 6 month old here today. We have an AWESOME God and I feel so blessed to know that He chose to use me that day. God's "Little" Blessing of a child is not only a blessing to that mom, but also to me. Too often it is easy to put God in this far off realm and forget that He stands right beside us. So let this be a reminder to all of us today, He cares.
Love to you all,
The Adventurous Farm Wife
One of God's Little Blessings
Photo Credit: Larissa Hageman
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Bumblebee Adventures
Hello All!
This past week has been both long and different. We've had a lot of preparation work to do before the dirt movers start, which meant a lot of long hours out at the farm.
I have developed a new friend though and she and I get along quite well! :-)
Yes, I named her "The Bumblebee," because she buzzes around and she's yellow and black. She is a she because I needed a female to work with. All the employees and even the two cats we brought up from my parents' are male....I needed a girl. We have moved trees, dirt, and junk. I am very thankful for the wonderful innovation that God has given man to create such a useful machine. It should be noted however that our family had a rather difficult time buying this one. We would have preferred one that said "Case" on it, however we accept her for who she is and love her lots. :-) I hope you enjoy the pics. We live in a beautiful part of God's Creation and are enjoying most every moment of it. Have a blessed Sunday!
Much Love,
The Adventurous Farm Wife
*Photo Credits go to Handsome (my wonderful husband)
This past week has been both long and different. We've had a lot of preparation work to do before the dirt movers start, which meant a lot of long hours out at the farm.
I have developed a new friend though and she and I get along quite well! :-)
Bumblebee and Me |
Moving Trees |
Much Love,
The Adventurous Farm Wife
*Photo Credits go to Handsome (my wonderful husband)
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The Beauty of His Majesty
Happy Fall Everyone!!!
I love fall! All the pretty, bright colors and the yummy goodies and my birthday! Fall is great! I just got back from a bike ride around the neighborhood taking pictures of God's Beautiful Creation. The air is fresh and cool, ahh...bliss!
See what I mean? Beautiful! Now some would say that this is a sad time of year because the trees are going into hibernation and cold is just around the corner, however I like to view it as the grand finale of sorts. Trees have been producing yummy goodness all summer long and now they're saying, "We're done! What a wonderful summer!" Did you know that trees also do a lot of growing during the winter? Think about it...they don't have to put energy into maintaining leaves and fruit, so all their energy is put into growing their trunk and root system. In essence winter for them is a time for growing their structure in order to maintain their leaves and fruit during spring and summer. Our Creator is so cool! He realizes just like trees, that there are seasons in our lives that we need quiet and hibernation in order to have seasons of busyness. In many ways I feel like Handsome and I are in a season of quietness. We don't have a lot of social happenings, and we spend a lot of our time on the road going to meetings or picking up products for the farm...quiet time. I know there will be a time in our lives that we will be very busy, but for the time being I am quite content building the structure of our marriage.
Much Love,
The Adventurous Farm Wife
I love fall! All the pretty, bright colors and the yummy goodies and my birthday! Fall is great! I just got back from a bike ride around the neighborhood taking pictures of God's Beautiful Creation. The air is fresh and cool, ahh...bliss!
See what I mean? Beautiful! Now some would say that this is a sad time of year because the trees are going into hibernation and cold is just around the corner, however I like to view it as the grand finale of sorts. Trees have been producing yummy goodness all summer long and now they're saying, "We're done! What a wonderful summer!" Did you know that trees also do a lot of growing during the winter? Think about it...they don't have to put energy into maintaining leaves and fruit, so all their energy is put into growing their trunk and root system. In essence winter for them is a time for growing their structure in order to maintain their leaves and fruit during spring and summer. Our Creator is so cool! He realizes just like trees, that there are seasons in our lives that we need quiet and hibernation in order to have seasons of busyness. In many ways I feel like Handsome and I are in a season of quietness. We don't have a lot of social happenings, and we spend a lot of our time on the road going to meetings or picking up products for the farm...quiet time. I know there will be a time in our lives that we will be very busy, but for the time being I am quite content building the structure of our marriage.
Our Quiet, Little House |
The Adventurous Farm Wife
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Fruit of the Tree
Good Evening All,
Well after three days of blood, sweat, and tears we now have seven and a half quarts of Apple Nectar. I am quite excited about this. I have to say though of all the canning that Handsome and I have done this summer, the apples were the most time and labor intensive. Getting apples cooked down to the point that they are liquid is a long time. However I do believe that it is worth it, as I will get to enjoy it with my friends and family over the holidays when they come to visit. Here are some pics of the process...
Love ya lots,
The Adventurous Farm Wife
Well after three days of blood, sweat, and tears we now have seven and a half quarts of Apple Nectar. I am quite excited about this. I have to say though of all the canning that Handsome and I have done this summer, the apples were the most time and labor intensive. Getting apples cooked down to the point that they are liquid is a long time. However I do believe that it is worth it, as I will get to enjoy it with my friends and family over the holidays when they come to visit. Here are some pics of the process...
Photo Credit: Handsome |
Photo Credit: Handsome |
Photo Credit: Handsome |
Photo Credit: Handsome |
Love ya lots,
The Adventurous Farm Wife
Saturday, October 8, 2011
The Beginning
Dear Friends and Family,
I have decided to try out this blogging thing. In hopes that it is a way for you all to know what random things are going on in Handsome and I's lives. I named it "The Quest," because mom always said life was an adventure and it truly is. However "The Adventure" doesn't carry quite the same emphasis of being never ending as "The Quest." Quest reminds me of my relationship with God and with Handsome and with all of you, its something that is always being worked on and striven for. While the parts that make up the quest may not always carry the elegance that the word carries (because we all know that quest is an elegant word and don't tell me that you don't think that it is), its all a part of the quest. So here I will bring to you all the little things that make up "The Quest." I hope you all enjoy it!
The Adventurous Farm Wife
I have decided to try out this blogging thing. In hopes that it is a way for you all to know what random things are going on in Handsome and I's lives. I named it "The Quest," because mom always said life was an adventure and it truly is. However "The Adventure" doesn't carry quite the same emphasis of being never ending as "The Quest." Quest reminds me of my relationship with God and with Handsome and with all of you, its something that is always being worked on and striven for. While the parts that make up the quest may not always carry the elegance that the word carries (because we all know that quest is an elegant word and don't tell me that you don't think that it is), its all a part of the quest. So here I will bring to you all the little things that make up "The Quest." I hope you all enjoy it!
The Adventurous Farm Wife
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