Dear Friends and Family,
We have recovered. The last couple of weeks have, lets just say, not been easy. God has been teaching me a lot, and I think I'm learning. Although most of what I'm learning I would honestly rather not have learned, but somehow it will all be for God's Glory, Honor, and Praise. Surgery for Edith has shown me a lot of God's perspective. Bear with me for a bit while I try to sort through the analogy, but hopefully it will all be clear by the end of the post. :)
When Edith went in for surgery she was a happy, cheerful baby girl, but she had a problem that only surgery could fix, a clef lip. If she didn't have it fixed, she would have issues eating food, speaking, etc. When Edith came out of surgery her problem was fixed, but she couldn't see that. All she could see was the pain and hurt of the process, which was apparent on her face. She was all swollen and red and just looked like she hurt all over and completely disoriented. Frankly it made me cry to see her that way, and what's worse is that the look she gave me was of complete distrust. Then to add to it the next week was just as bad. Most of the time she was a bear to deal with, but there were glimmers that the happy, cheerful baby might show back up. Finally after a week of a touchy, temperamental, horrible eating baby, I got her back!
All the while through this process of surgery and recovery I heard God in that still small voice saying "Watch this process from my perspective, Katie. See how much I hurt when I have to put you through surgery to fix your broken heart?" Ouch! I can't say that I behave much differently than my daughter when God has to fix something in me. Surgery is hard, but in the sinful fallen world that we live in it is a requirement in order to be fixed for heaven. Sometimes the recovery process is easy, and other times it takes a lot of time before we see the benefit and can give God a look of trust and love again.
Edith is smiling again and so am I, but we both have the scars of surgery that remind us that we live in a fallen world. I'm trusting God, and thankfully Edith is trusting me again, so we've recovered. I'm so thankful that I serve a God who doesn't leave me broken, but fixes me and helps me recover.
I'm not sure if that all makes sense, but hopefully it does, and hopefully it touches your heart.
Much Love and Blessings,
Oh, I love that baby girl!! Hugs and Kisses from Auntie!!