
Currently as I write this my bundle of joy is peacefully
sleeping, which I consider to be a monumental feat due to her strong desire to
remain awake 24/7, so as to not miss anything happening around her. You may think I jest, but I would like to see
you try to put her down for a nap peacefully during the day.
J The other day I tried a new technique on my
unsuspecting child, the “lay her down in her bed for a nap before she’s asleep
and she will naturally go to sleep because she is tired” technique. The unsuspecting child was not unsuspecting
for long and decided that this technique was not to her liking and proceeded to
voice her dislike quite loudly. I have
been told on numerous occasions that crying is good for children and that it
helps develop their lungs, so I decided that she could develop her lungs for a
while. After a period of time I started
to question my decision and question God as to why He decided that children did
not need to be sent to their parents with an individualized instruction

It was amid the screaming of my
precious babe that I heard that still, small voice again. That voice that even though it is soft, can
blast through the loudest of screaming to my mommy heart. In that moment He asked me one of those fun
questions, “Katie, if I sent her with an instruction manual would you actually
get to know her and have a relationship with her or would you just follow the
instruction manual?” What Lord? You want me to actually have a relationship
with my child? What, you actually want
me to parent and experience the joy and the pain of learning about my child
from my child? What? Our God is pretty sneaky. He gave us a manual for living life aka the
Bible, but He did not give us an individualized manual for our children so that
we develop a relationship with them.

the beginning of their lives it’s a total guessing game a lot of days, but it
is so worth the effort to see that child beam with a smile when you look at
them. I know I won’t always get that
smile when I look at my child, because I plan on being her parent and not her best
friend. However I do want to try my
darnedest to establish a relationship with her, so that when those days come
she doesn't doubt my love for her. I’m
so glad God didn't send a manual with Edith, the adventure of getting to know
her is totally worth it and such a good reminder that our heavenly Father wants
to take that same adventure with us.
Love and Blessings!
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